Village Calvary Bulletin

Here you'll find all you need to know about upcoming events, special announcements and more.
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Wednesday Night Potluck & Service

Wednesday, September 4 @ 6:00pm

As the body of Christ, we love to do life together, and that includes sharing a meal. Bring your favorite dish to share for dinner and come this Wednesday at 6pm. We'll eat, fellowship, and listen to the Word of God be preached.

Marriage Conference

Friday & Saturday. September 27th & 28th

“Staying married, therefore, is not mainly about staying in love. It is about keeping covenant. “Till death do us part” or “As long as we both shall live” is a sacred covenant promise—the same kind Jesus made with His bride when He died for her.” —John Piper

We encourage everyone, whether you've been married months, years or even decades to come join guest speakers Joe & Stephanie DeMott as they encourage, challenge and support your marriage through testimonies and practical tips to deepen your connection by embracing God's covenant and vision in your marriage.

Cost is $20 per couple. Click to register.

Life Groups

Starting the week of September 8th

When you're in a church 100+ people it can be hard to find where you fit. Life groups give you the chance to build relationships, make friends, apply Scripture, and pray for one another in a smaller setting during the week. Watch the video to learn how Life Groups have impacted the DeMott family.

Women's Bible Study

Saturday, September 7th ~ 9 AM

All women are encouraged to join our fall study as we go through the book The Beginning & the End by Stephen H Berkey. This study is packed with information and discussion about the foundation of why we believe what we believe. Regardless of how long you've been in the faith or your knowledge of God's word, this study is important to everyone's spiritual growth and meets you where you're at by allowing you to skim or dive deep.

Discovery Hour

Sundays @ 8:45am

Sometimes making a week night or Saturday morning Bible study is hard. That's why we also offer our Sunday morning Discovery Hour study. This semester we're going through the book if Daniel: "God's Plan and Hope for the Ages." All are invited and there's no need to sign up. Please note, however, there is no childcare during this time.


Starts September 8th from 4:30-6pm

AWANA reaches kids where they are at and walks alongside them in their faith journey through games, memorization, and Bible stories. Here at Village Calvary, boys & girls (age 3 - grade 5) are welcome to sign up and join us! Our goal is to show God's love and share His word so that children may develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Discover what else is happening . . .

Learn how you can help serve the kingdom of God & the Village Calvary Family . . .

Give to the ministry . . .

We have three easy ways to give, cash or check in the giving boxes at the back of the room, by downloading our church app, or through our website. Click here to give online.

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